Monday, February 16, 2015

Watson House Wednesday, #4: Parmesan Roasted Veggies

Watson House Wednesday, #4: Parmesan Roasted Veggies
Here we have one of my favorite go-to dishes. I found this recipe on Pinterest, and I loved that it was easy and healthy, as well as tasty.
I liked it so much, I decided to try it with other veggies. I'm happy to say that it's also delicious with other root veggies and cauliflower, too! It's so filling and tasty, you could even use it as a vegetarian main dish.  Since this was versatile enough, I made a shaker of the parmesan with the seasonings in it, so now when I want to make this dish, it's even easier. 
So this is how I do it!

In a jar or shaker (I use an old parmesan shaker.), mix the following:
1 cup grated parmesan cheese
3 tsp garlic powder
3 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

Chop (and peel, when needed) about 3 cups of firm veggies into chunks.  Drizzle a spoonful or two of olive oil over them, and stir to coat the veggies with the oil. Sprinkle generously with the seasoned parmesan, and stir again. Brush a few spoonfuls of olive oil onto a baking pan, and place the veggies onto it in a single layer. I put the pan into a 400 degree oven, and bake for about 30 minutes, turning after about 10-12 minutes. I'd recommend checking it after 20-25 minutes, some ovens seem to cook them faster than others.
So far this dish has worked well with potatoes, yams, carrots, cauliflower, parsnips and beets. I wouldn't recommend onions (they made everything go gooey) or broccoli (maybe just the stems of the broccoli, the florets burned around the edges). I'm looking forward to trying it with the winter squashes sometime!

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